Organizer 主办单位 : HK Trade Development Council 香港贸易发展局 | Location 地点 : Kwun Tong, HK 香港观塘 | Date 日期: 2015
APU was cordially invited by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to conduct a bilingual interview about China’s strategic “One Belt, One Road” Initiative (“OBOR Initiative”) in mid-October. The purpose of the interview is to investigate the regional implications on infrastructure, building, design and architecture under the OBOR Initiative. During the interview, APU, from an architectural perspective, envisaged the OBOR opportunities and challenges, speaks the potential HKSAR Governmental assistance, and shared how APU will sow the seeds to grab the OBOR opportunities. APU considered Hong Kong’s renowned high-end architectural consultancy services, its Mainland-Hong Kong cross border development and its implementation of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as the competitive advantages to play a role in the future cross-border co-operative development.
APU接受了香港贸易发展局的邀请,于十月中进行了一项关于中国「一带一路」发展政策的双语访问,探讨该政策对沿线区域和中港两地之基础设施和建筑设计的影响。于访问期间,APU从建筑设计行业角度,分析了「一带一路」带来的机遇及挑战,并提出政府可如何协助业界提高竞争力,及APU如何就该政策部署其发展策略。 APU相信香港国际级水平的建筑顾问服务、其中港两岸双线发展和Building Information Modelling (BIM)的全面推行,对于中港的建筑项目发展都有绝对优势。