Organizer 主办单位: Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 香港中小型企业总商会 | Venue 地点: HKCEC 假香港會議展覽中心舊翼會議廳 | Date 日期: 2015
APU was awarded the SME's Youth Entrepreneurship Award by Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business. We are honored to be invited to attend the 19th Annual Award Ceremony and receive the award on 22 June 2015.
2015香港中小型企业总商会19周年晚宴、第11届理事会就职典礼、 第一届「中小企精英会」就职典礼暨2015年「最佳中小企业奖」、「中小企青年创业奖」 及「中小企业最佳拍档奖」颁奖典礼于周一(6月22日)假香港会议展览中心旧翼会议厅举行,场面盛大。 APU 很荣幸在当晚获颁发「中小企青年创业奖」。