Location 位置: Central 香港中環 | Type 类型: Commercial 商業 | Date 日期: 2012
Face Spa is a beauty facial treatment centre which situated in Central. With this prominent site location, APU introduced an antique wood color to the centre. With the white feature counter desk and stripped pattern floor tile, the color contrast just comfortably reacts with the feature lighting. Furniture is nicely detailed so that no handle or other materials are attached to keep it simple.
FACE SPA 旨為中環的顧客提供舒適的皮膚美容護理中心。由於中環為香港的商業中心,APU特意選擇了一種比較古典的木紋色調,以營造一個自然、格調的感覺。由於空間有限,為了滿足客戶儲物的需要,當中放了很多心思於櫃門的設計,希望不使用沉重的把手,以保持一色調,效果很簡約。