Location位置: Wanchai, HK 香港湾仔   |   Type 类型:  Commercial 商业用途   |   Date 日期:  2016 
Located in Lee Tung Avenue, THE ELEPHANT is designed in an European style in order to fit in the design of the shopping centre after the urban renewal program. The shop is divided into different zones, with the upper level haircut area and lower level beauty and retail area. In order to enhance space utilization, the designer skillfully uses the stairs as a waiting area and no wall partitions were built within the shop. The use of stainless steel materials in the cabinet sides and front desk added modern elements into the design, while the wall lighting matching with marble effect tiles further furbished the high-end and graceful design.
位于湾仔利东街的THE ELEPHANT理发店以欧陆风格设计为主,以配合该区重建后的欧陆式设计购物商场。店铺划分为不同区域,上层为理发区,而下层为美容修甲及零售区。为提升空间使用率,设计师巧妙地运用楼梯作为等待区。同时店内不建任何墙体,增加实用性。在物料应用方面,设计师巧妙地在柜边和接待台加入不锈钢用料,为整个设计赋予现代感。除此之外,墙灯饰配合仿云石磁砖,亦予人大方得体的感觉。

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