Location 位置: Kowloon Bay, HK 香港九龙湾 | Type 类型: Commercial 商业用途 | Date 日期: 2013
The project is to design the first car treatment center with the professional car coating company “ProTech”. By introducing the logo color of the brand, a feature red spine continue going through the whole space. With nicely design cabinet to achieve the great storage concern of the company, the slogan and logo of the company are nicely spaced to express the cleanliness of the space. The lighting feature made up with ordinary light tubes highlighted the double volume space and becomes the focus of the entrance. 
项目提供汽车美容服务,为了突出牌子的特色,特别把整个中心的颜色调简约为品牌的灰、红、黑三种。红色油漆于墙中作腰线,围绕整个楼层。所有储物柜以黑色为主调,配以LED灯,赋予时代感。店铺入口的两层高空间,用了普通的T5光管围一圈以作特色光源,不花太多价钱但效果令人满意。 ​​​​​​​

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