Location 位置: Ma On Shan 香港马鞍山 | Type 类型: Commercial 商业用途 | Date 日期: 2016
Sunshine Bazzar is one of the main shopping malls in Ma On Shan. As part of the refurbishment campaign, APU re-designed the shopping mall connecting space adjoining the residential tower as well as the shopping centre nearby. The original space planning for the corridor only aimed to fulfil basic circulation for the residents, which, however, overlooked the locational advantage at the shopping mall entrance. APU saw great potential in designing this highly circulated connecting space as the new landmark of Sunshine Bazzar. The designer brought in a hint of greenery at the stone finished entrance feature wall and attracted attention to the LED commercial signboard. The connecting corridor was finished in tea mirror and bronze stainless steel to extend the existing design grandeur from the shopping arcade. APU hopes that the new design will bring complete refreshness to the visitors.
新港城广场是马鞍山区主要商场之一,人流及需求都日益增加。作为商场重点改建项目之一,APU重新设计了广场入口连接住宅大楼及行人天桥的走廊部分。旧有改建区域本被视为后台空间,设计简单,忽略了其位处商场入口的绝对优势。 APU希望透过是次项目设计,为商场带来新形象,并扩阔通道面积,吸引及应付更多人流。设计重点是将清新的感觉带到新港城广场,设计师利用了人造草皮及仿石纹墙身,拼砌出一个一层楼高的大型箭咀,指示走廊入口,并用上茶镜及铜色不锈钢点缀走廊墙身以融合商场原来的设计。这次大胆的用色、重新的布局,为这个商场增添浓厚的生气.