Kelly Chow has been an architectural designer and teaching professional for over 20 years. He obtained his Bachelor of Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering from UBC and his Master of Architecture from Dalhousie University.

Kelly’s interest in design encompasses all scales of exploration - from small scale residential to large institutional buildings; commercial mixed use projects to graphic and branding design. Throughout each of the projects, Kelly has developed the work on the position that the study of architecture is the study of a field defined within two fundamental forms - the house and the city; that both, fundamentally are the same, composed of places of gathering, places of work, and places of solitude.

From this position, the designer seeks to find the universals that link all architectural projects together, and the particulars, which provides an occasion for each architectural project to contribute to the field. The full scope of architecture and design is seen as an opportunity to give grace and dignity to life.


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