Organizer 主办单位: APU & Ping Shek Estate Council APU及坪石村区议会 | Venue 地点: Ping Shek Estate 坪石村 | Date 日期: 2014
It is easy to overlook a light bulb which is actually one of the most environmental-friendly home appliances. One single LED light bulb has an incredibly long lifetime of 50,000 hours, saving much more energy and money than the traditional Tungsten filament bulb. APU has been committed to promoting green building practices. In 2014, it launched an pilot initiative named "Bright Living," which supplies grassroot families with free LED bulbs and help them with installation. On 26th of July, the first event of the initiative was carried out. Sponsored by Well King Lighting Company Limited and supported by Mr. Chun-kit Chan, a member of the Ping Shek Estate Council, the event mobilized the residents living in the Estate to care more about our environment. Apart from advocating "green lifestyle," it is also APU's expectation that the event could increase the living standard of the vulnerable communities, in order for them to feel the care from the society.
灯泡是大众容易忽视却又简单达到环保目的的一种电器。一颗LED灯泡比传统的钨丝灯泡更悭电,且寿命能高达5万小时, 更省时省金钱。推动环保建筑一直是APU所坚持的理念和努力的方向。 APU于2014年推出<绿·光生活>试验项目,免费派发及帮助基层各家庭更换钨丝灯泡并安装LED灯泡。在7月26日APU与坪石村区议员陈俊杰议员共同策划和推出第一次的活动,并得到纬经照明有限公司的赞助和支持,该活动带领九龙东坪石村的居民一同加入环保建筑的行列。透过今次活动除了提倡绿“适”生活外,APU希望将环保意识推广到弱势社群,提高他们家居生活质素。同时,使受惠人士及家庭感受社会的关怀。