Organizer 主办单位: Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 香港中小型企业总商会 | Venue 地点: Hong Kong Design Institute 香港知专设计学院 | Date 日期: 2014
APU was invited to attend the ceremony from Partner Employer Award on 29 November. This award praises APU in employing and offering the working opportunity for the local graduated students. We promise that APU will continuous support this program, so as to help in building a more cohesive society.
APU于11月29日应邀出席友商有良举行的嘉许典礼。是次嘉许典礼表扬了我们在过去一年间聘用及提供习机会予本地院校学生及毕业生。 APU承诺会继续支持此计划,协助建立共融社会。