Location 位置: Clear Water Bay Road, HK 香港清水湾道 | Type 类型: Residential 住宅用途 | Date 日期: 2014
Using the strong colors and screens element to create a modern Chinese space for a client that respects the strong culture of Chinese. A fish tank and wine display feature separate the space between dining and living room. Main materials such as metal, stone and wood that represent the Chinese elements, enhanced the interior space of Chinese culture. A raised platform was used in the children's room to gives a soft touch of Chinese element. The master suite headboard has a movable sliding glass panel that hide away the storage in the room.
APU用强烈的色彩和画面元素,为一位非常重视中国文化的客户创建一个极富现代中国的空间。屋的平面原本是十分开放的,欠缺每个空间的特色。 APU透过用不同的分隔分式,为客户设计出可活动的住屋空间。如以鱼缸和红酒柜分隔餐厅和客厅之间的空间、以可开合玻璃间隔分开厨房及饭厅。主要的材料,如金属、石头和木材,可以充分体现中国的元素。在儿童房使用了榻榻米平台,增加储物的空间及灵活性。主人套房设计方面,运用了有色玻璃及木材质感,颜色配搭比较朴实一点。床头柜用滑动门,以收藏柱位及杂物。