Location 位置: Sai Kung,HK 香港西贡 | Type 类型: Residential 住宅用途 | Date 日期: 2016
​​​​​​​With the owner’s passion for art, the villa is designed in a traditional British style. Teak was chosen as the primary material for interior design. The natural teak feature throughout the ceilings, walls and furniture brings an unique yet traditional British style. The stairway acts as a principal line running through the house and enhances the sense of space and layering. The spiral designed stairway also helps carry out the arrangement of ideas and creations by the designer. For outdoor design, white color remains as the theme tone and APU designed the facade with hand scraped painting pattern and navy blue door and window blind for an elegant British style.
位于西贡的独立屋以浓厚的英式古典风格为设计基调,迎合屋主对艺术的追求。室内选用柚木作为主材质,天然的柚木原色用于全屋天花,墙壁及家俬,以呈现出风格独具的古典英式风情。屋内的楼梯作为贯穿全屋的主轴线,增加空间层次,并以旋转而上的设计带出空间及设计的层次变化。外墙则以白色为主基调, APU特别于外墙的油漆加以手刮板形成的立体纹路,赋予全屋一种英式乡村风格的自然惬意,搭配海军蓝色大门及窗叶,营造出高雅大方的质感。

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