Location 位置: Tsim Sha Tsui, HK 香港尖沙咀 | Type 类型: Commercial 商业用途 | Date 日期: 2014 - 2015
APU provided design services for the facade and lobby renovation of Landwide Building. In the lobby, APU took advantage of a collage of different materials to achieve a simple and elegant design. Brown mirrors were used in the corridor and were extended from the entrance to the lift lobby in order to enhance the sense of space whilst the beige and rose gold tiled wall echoed the color theme. The office entrance was uniquely designed with marbles and green features which were used to beautifully cover the exposed pipes in the outdoor area. APU retained the existing division for the facade design while added liveliness to the building by introducing light colored facade ideas.
APU 为业广商业大厦改造了大堂、入口以及外墙的设计。大堂内部采用了不同材质的拼贴实现简洁大方的全新设计,入口走廊的茶色镜面延伸至电梯大堂,增加了大堂的空间感。墙身由米黄色和玫瑰金的砖块拼贴而成,呼应整体的色调。大厦入口使用了简洁的大理石,APU并特别利用户外木和草皮遮盖室外外露的喉管,突出其独特设计。外墙设计方面,APU保留现有的分隔,主力改变外墙瓦的颜色,使整座大厦变得更有活力。